Neon District: ALPHA (The Neon District Trilogy, Book 1) Read online

Page 12

  “Aren’t we trying to lose them? Why stay at this speed and give them a chance? You working something else out right now?” he asked.

  “Right here is perfect. Code NDNA: initiate scramble sequence. Street surveillance proxy override. HSD, override. Street cameras at point ‘A’, axis twenty-four, override.” Wizard’s eyes lit red and her voice became even more digitized as she began spewing out random commands.

  As she initiated sequence, the street surveillance proxies, security HSDs, and street cameras all scrambled, letting off a high-pitched ringing sound as they turned toward the tracker. Somehow the scrambled devices disrupted the sensors of the tracker they were trying to avoid. Using her enhanced vision, Wizard zeroed in on the tracker. He appeared to be wearing some sort of armor. It was a unique get-up, something she’d never seen before. She noticed that the tracker began to convulse atop the car it was standing on and it eventually jumped off and into the shadows behind the nearest building.

  “Floor it and head east now!” Wizard shouted.

  Caiden hit the gas and they sped off, cutting and weaving through the traffic filled streets, away from the mysterious tracker.


  “Dr. Stein, I’ve lost sight of them. An unanticipated jamming interference signal disabled my navigation and sensors temporarily. Would you like me to continue pursuit?”

  “My, my, he even threw off the likes of you, my dear Michael? Tsk, tsk. Looks like there are still a few kinks to work out with you. But this is good. Better than expected, even. He’s even more special than I thought. Return to headquarters immediately, Michael. Looks like we will get an opportunity to expand our test operations,” Dr. Stein replied over the transmission.

  “Affirmative. Returning immediately,” Michael relented as he disappeared into the darkness.


  “Well, looks like tonight turned out to be a calm one,” Caiden huffed.

  “And I thought my life was pretty action packed. But your life seems to play out like a real-life movie Mr. Nyx,” Wizard marveled.

  “Wasn’t always like this,” he stated. “What happened back there, well, I’m gonna take a wild guess and say that unique ICM of yours possesses the capability to phase into other electronic networks, right?”

  “Good guess,” Wizard replied.

  “Frightening ability you have there; how can I get one like that?” Caiden asked.

  “Who knows? From what I understand, technically, you are part machine as well, if you think about it. I’m sure you’ll find a way to utilize your God given talents,” Wizard smiled. “I think I will take my leave here, my friends”

  “Where’re you off to now? We’re on the BlackLight, Nova Central border. Isn’t it dangerous?” Nami asked.

  “Danger is part of my profession, sweet girl. I am the most sought after private courier and information broker there is. It’s part of the territory. I have business to tend to, a huge job has come my way so I will be out of town for a few weeks. I will be heading to the west,” Wizard disclosed.

  Caiden pulled over and parked in front of an obscure broken-down Hybrid bar. As Wizard stepped out of the car, Caiden rolled down the window. “Hey! Thanks for everything. If you ever need help with anything, you be sure to let me know.”

  “That’s my line, dear friend,” Wizard replied. Caiden gave her an assuring nod and drove off.


  The trio arrived safely in Darkside. Exhausted from the thrilling affair, they all went to the living room to have a breather.

  “Sheesh! We’ve dealt with more action in the past three days than we did all last year at The LoveMaars,” Hitomi said. Caiden, meanwhile, reopened the nano code codec and continued looking at the data.

  “I guess you’re gonna be Mr. Mad scientist tonight, huh?” Nami asked while sinking further into the couch.

  “Actually, no. Not yet. There’s so much to go through, so many tests to be done, there’s no way I’d get all of it done tonight, tomorrow, next week or next month, for that matter. I think I’m gonna upload the codec to my system and have it decode the entire thing. Judging by the amount of data, it's probably gonna take a day or two, since it will be backing up to my servers at the same time,” he replied. “I’ll have to study the data as I go.”

  “I’m gonna assume, knowing you, you’re gonna sync it to all available viewing devices such as your phone, holo-watch, laptop and everything else, right?” Hitomi asked.

  “You know me so well,” he grinned. “I gotta get some rest. I’m heading back to the other apartment this morning. I’m sure Vantz is biting off more than he can chew right about now.”

  “Huh?” Nami was puzzled.

  “Yeah, I think he’s got a problem. Let’s just say he spreads himself rather thin with the ladies. Gets a little carried away, parties a little too hard and what not.”

  “Ah, I see. He’s one of those guys who thinks he’s some sort of ladies’ man,” Nami said.

  “Exactly,” he replied.

  “So, does he, like, know what you do? Does he even know about this place?” Hitomi asked, changing the topic of the conversation.

  “Okay, I take your non-answer to mean no he does not,” Hitomi continued.

  “Any particular reason for that? I mean this place is really cool; it seems like something you’d wanna show your friends and all,” Nami added.

  “I don’t have any other friends. And I don’t want him involved in what I do. It’s too dangerous,” he confessed.

  “You know, if you guys are as close as you say you are, eventually he’s gonna find out. How do you think he’ll react if he does?” Nami asked.

  Caiden sighed in frustration and walked toward the bedroom as the twins looked at each other and uncomfortably, acknowledging their mood killing questions. It was close to four a.m., and Caiden was packing some clothes before he called it a night. The twins approached the doorway and watched as he packed. He was clearly troubled.

  “When’re you leavin’? Now?” Nami asked.

  “Soon enough,” he coldly replied.

  After he finished, he turned off the lights, climbed into the king-sized bed and slid under the sheets. Without saying a word, the twins followed suit. Vantz became something of a sensitive subject for him. He was the only family Caiden had.

  It was still dark out, but the sky was beginning to brighten. The girls were fast asleep as Caiden lay on his back with his eyes wide open, pensive, gazing at the blank white ceiling, until his eyelids began to feel heavy and he faded into nothingness.


  ---usr/systems/server-x/RETURN HOME---

  The alarm on his holo-watch vibrated and rang, shocking him awake. Eight thirty already? Four and half hours of sleep, right on schedule. Caiden’s eyes were still blurry. He looked over his shoulder to see the twins, fully naked, and sound asleep. I almost forgot about their habitual nudist slumber, he thought, shaking his head. Easing from the bed, he headed to the bathroom to take a quick shower. A dreaded, inexplicable burden rest upon his shoulders; it was something he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

  All the events that had taken place over the past few days weren’t by accident. It was as if his mind and body were preparing him for something greater and more challenging than anything he’d ever faced. The steam from the shower proved to be therapeutic, helping him to relex and control his breathing.

  Still, it was difficult to shake the burning intuition. To calm his nerves, he needed to return to the Vantz’s place. If he spent some time there, maybe his sense of normalcy would return. Besides, Vantz was probably wondering where his car was. After hopping out of the shower and getting dressed, Caiden went to the garage, but not before re-calibrating the security protocol on all the locks on the doors. He heard the echo of the air locks sealing throughout the compound. Nami, Hitomi, I’m sorry to keep you caged up like this, but it’s only temporary. All of this will be over soon and then I can get you guys home. I just need some time, he thought to himself. Caid
en got into the car. Initiating the sequence, the secret passageway opened and Caiden drove out and back toward Vantz’s place.

  The sun was beginning to break through the dull clouds. A cool breeze caressed his face as Caiden cruised through desolate Darkside with the window down. It was a ghost town during the day; typical of the neighborhood, as it was nocturnally inclined by default. Putting the car into auto-drive mode, he decided to redirect his restless energy toward his newly found sources of research on the nanocell. The nano-codec data was still uploading to both the main systems at his secret apartment, as well as his backup servers. It did, however, allow him to view some of the data that was in transit. The assimilation aspect of the nanocell intrigued him, especially video file eleven twenty-two, which focused exclusively on that phenomenon.

  “Auto drive mode, please. Destination; Vantz’s apartment,” Caiden commanded the AI auto drive feature.

  Recalling the discussion in the video about the assimilation of objects on a macro scale, he used his holo-watch to research any areas or stores that might contain titanium. If titanium was assimilated so easily by the nanocells during the tests, there has to be some way for me to do it myself, he thought. He then flipped the holo-display to a chart that represented the findings of the enhanced biometric scan. He expanded the holo-display and began studying his spine and cerebral cortex. He compared the nanocells that developed there to the other nanocells in other parts of his body. He noticed a significant discrepancy in shape and size depending on where they settled. The nanocells that formed around his cerebral cortex were in the shape of a decagon, as opposed to an octagon like the other nanocells. The nanocells that reinforced his bones seemed to act as an exoskeleton.

  He then studied the nanocells in his limbs and looked at those embedded in his muscular structure, and found their consistency to be far more flexible and elastic. Due to these qualities, the nanocells in his arms and legs were more impressionable than others. The nanocells in the dermal and epidermal layers of his skin were translucent, flat, and elastic, as well.

  The decagon nanocells in his cerebral cortex contained a fifty-fifty split of organic and techno-organic matter. The cytoplasm was organic, but the mitochondria and soma were techno-organic. Outside of the soma were techno-organic dendrites. These nanocells were also imbued with their own special type of axon, with different axon endings.

  He placed his hands on opposite sides of the of the holo-display, bringing his hands closer together to zoom out by twenty percent. He rotated the projection one hundred and eighty degrees. There was something even more interesting that presented itself as he inspected the newly rendered display. Millions of these decagon nanocells were packed tightly together, interconnected by dendrites and axon terminals. This connectivity was heavily embedded to the cerebral cortex as a secondary membrane of sorts.

  This membrane consisted of the decagon nanocells that were transmitting signals and data at an exceptional rate. He stared long and hard at this, marveling at what he had found. He couldn’t believe that these remarkable techno-organisms were inside him. They were at one with his body in a beautiful harmony of anatomical wonder. He was the only one who was made this way; a natural born Hybrid! This is incredible, he thought with extreme excitement.

  His fascination soon turned to despair. No matter how hard he tried to remember, with all his enhanced brain functioning, he could not remember anything about his life before his fifteenth birthday. He had become so lost in thought and research that he failed to recognize that he had almost arrived at Vantz’s apartment. The car pulled into the garage and parked. He replaced the fake license plate with Vantz’s real one and got into the elevator leading up to the lobby.

  "Morning Mr. Nyx. Looks like you got a couple packages delivered. They arrived here this morning" the lobby attendant said.

  "Thanks a lot" Caiden replied as he went over to pick them up. Looks like their clothes got here. Now they don't have to lounge around in my t-shirts anymore, he thought to himself as he got into the lobby elevators heading up to the apartment.

  It was a little after nine thirty a.m. when Caiden got back. Opening the door, the first thing He saw were two scantily clad women sprawled out on the couch. Vantz was at a computer desk near the entrance. The living room smelled of alcohol and drugs, perfume, and sex.

  “Bro, are you serious? I feel like a broken record telling you the same shit over and over,” Caiden ridiculed.

  “What? I just called Viana to swing over for a bit last night, and she brought her friend with her. I didn’t plan for this, it just happened!” Vantz defensively half-whispered.

  “And I suppose this vial of Mania isn’t yours, either?” Caiden asked.

  “Now, that shit right there, no way in hell is that mine. I don’t do Mania unless there’s a VR machine present; don’t wanna lose my shit. Huh, no wonder Viana’s friend was extra touchy-feely last night. Dude, I wish you were here to see it! She was already half naked when she came over.”

  “I know, I know, you took ‘em both down, right?” Caiden interrupted, laughing and shaking his head. Vantz offered a slick smile in return.

  “So, how was your weekend?” Vantz asked.

  Caiden paused before he answered, tempted to tell his friend about the truth. He opted for a simple, “Eh, the usual. Nothing special.”

  “Is that so? You look pretty damn exhausted. Come on, you pick up some ladies? Go to some parties? Pop a couple pills, do some lines. Anything?” Vantz grilled him for answers.

  “Nah, just a solo trip to take care of some things,” Caiden quietly replied.

  “What a shame. Well, we’re gonna change that shit tonight, dude. Got a call from one of my buddies who co-manages Club Cosmica. Said he’s gonna get us VIP access tonight!” Caiden gave him a deadpan stare. “No, no, no! Don’t give me that look, man. When’s the last time you kicked it with me, huh? You’re not spending all damn night on CWR again like you did last time. Come out with us and relax! Live a little!” Vantz said with determination to show his friend a good time.

  Caiden cupped his head in his hand and gave out a long begrudging sigh. “Alright. Fine. You win. You were gonna bother me until I said yes anyway. What time are we heading out?” he replied.

  “Yes! That’s what I’m talkin’ about! Wasn’t so hard, was it? We’re gonna head there around midnight. That’s when things really pick up, and the women arrive in droves. Oh, and guess what else? We have a limo coming to pick us up! We’re goin’ in style, my good man!” Vantz proclaimed. Caiden put his hands up, ceding to Vantz’s incessant prodding. He smiled and headed toward his room.

  “Oh hey! We were gonna head out right now and grab a bite to eat. Wanna come with?” Vantz asked.

  “Nah, I’m good. But bring me back something, though,” Caiden said

  “I’ll think about it.” Vantz said in jest. He walked off to get ready, tapping both the girls awake; they were completely disoriented. Vantz chuckled and made his way to the shower. Viana looked to her left, after rubbing her eyes and saw Caiden. She let out a tiny gasp, embarrassed at her disheveled appearance.

  “Oh, hey Caide. How you been?” she managed to squeak through her raspy morning voice.

  “I’m cool” he replied, trying to hold in his laughter.

  “Oh! Uh, this is my friend, Penny,” she continued.

  Penny was standing by the couch. She had velvety, smooth skin and a rosy, pale complexion with high cheek bones. Her hair was a dark chestnut brown, shoulder length and free flowing. Her torso was partially covered by a loose maroon tank top with one strap hanging off her shoulder near her upper arm. The tank top did little to hide her ample breasts. She had an amazing hourglass figure; she obviously took very good care of herself. She was a thirst trap for all men who laid eyes on her. She floated to Caiden, looking him up and down, stopping only a foot away from his face.

  “Um, Penny? Earth to Penny?” Viana nervously asked. Penny’s smile was faint and predatory. She licked her lips hun

  “My name’s Penny. It’s very nice to meet you, Caide. Heard a lot about you,” Penny stated.

  He gazed deep into her sizzling amber eyes. His golden eyes intrigued her. Like he was stripping her naked with his eyes, alone. He held out his hand, gesturing for a handshake.

  “Nice to meet you Penny,” he said, maintaining a strange stoic expression on his face while keeping his distance from her. He gently released her hand and made his way toward his room.

  “Penny! What the fuck was that?” Viana mouthed while giggling in disbelief. Penny seemed star stricken.

  “I want him,” Penny said breathily. She instinctively stepped forward to follow him, when she felt a hand grab her wrist.

  “Penny, contain yourself,” Viana said half laughing, half serious.

  “If not now, then when?” Penny anxiously asked..

  “We’re all going to Club Cosmica tonight, right? Talk to him then,” Viana suggested.

  Viana could relate to Penny in some degree. But he intimidated her far more than aroused her. She could sense an underlying intensity so powerful, that it that sent a terrifying chill up her spine. It had the opposite effect on her friend. It didn’t frighten Penny in the least. It made her moist, and drove her mad with desire. She loved men like him. Viana understood the appeal all too well, but she was beginning to fall for Vantz.

  “You should see him with his shirt off!” Viana stated, gesturing with her hands to indicate of his chiseled frame. Penny smiled dangerously and looked off in the direction where he walked.

  Meanwhile, Caiden entered his room and closed the door behind him. He tossed his bag in a corner then flopped face first onto his bed. He turned over on his back and let out a long sigh as the muscles in his body loosened. He rolled onto the pillow, eyelids getting heavier. The shadows distorted and shifted.

  He adjusted his head on the pillow for more comfort as he stared at the greyish-white ceiling of his room. He was intrigued by the bizarre interaction he had with Penny, but he erased it from his thoughts and attempted to rest for a while. His time to unwind was short-lived, however. His holo-watch rang. The caller ID read ‘Wizard’.